i loved lost odyssey and fable 2 plus fallout 3 also enjoyed enchanted arms
looked at last remnant and heard really bad start and huge lag so left it
am considering infinite undiscovery but not sure of the battle system i like the FF style fights
Same reasons I left out Last Remnant too.
If you've played FF12, that battle system is similar to Infinite Undiscovery's. Both take place in the actual field, you can see your enemies and thus avoid fights. The combat isn't too hard to get to grips with, all it takes is practice. Being an RPG, there is plenty of that, of course
Another recommendation for fable 2 from me, it is very beautiful.
I think Lost Oddessy is probably worth going for. Especially at the price.
But I spied these on Game:
Final Fantasy on 360.
I'll have have to see what I can find out about the new one coming out.
I did think of Fable 2. But I heard it was very buggy. Also the combat was very simplistic in the first one.
XI is the MMORPg, XIII isn't out until next year
There's a trailer, though (may be on XBL marketplace too) - http://www.finalfantasy13game.com/
I did think of Fable 2. But I heard it was very buggy. Also the combat was very simplistic in the first one.
I think I'm going to be looking forward to FF 13.
I remember FF8 finding this guardian bloke. The fight must have gone on for about 30+ minutes.
It felt great when I finally brought that git down.
I think it's games like these that really do it for consoles.
I think I'm going to go for Lost Odessey. I thnk the story and Final Fight style fighting is something I'll like.
I think Eternal Sonata good as well.
Thanks all
Last edited by CaseyV9; 12-02-2009 at 10:18 AM.
I've played to the end (such that there is an end, you can just keep on going...) and only
noticed one real bug, it sometimes get stuck in "redecorate mode" when you leave a house.
The combat is very similar to the first one, they've tweaked the magic and I think there are more weapons. But yes, it is designed to be simple and accessible and I think they've achieved that
goal admirably. It's a nice balance.
Fable 2 did look good on videos I have seen. I saw you could have pets and a wife and kids. That put me off TBH. And I heard there is no map. Would you say there is a strong and deep story where characters grow? I was worried it strayed more to just a sim that reacts to your actions.
I absolutely loved Fable 2, not at all buggy that I noticed. The combat is simple and action oriented (especially compared to RPGs like NWN) but it's also very, very satisfying, with plenty of choices when it comes to training/equipping your character so that you can vary the style quite a lot.
The story is compelling but quite linear, most of your choices affect how the world reacts to you rather than shaping your destiny. Which means that a strong story can be told while giving you a nice level of immersion.
Well, I bought Lost Oddessy. Started going into it. I got as far as breaking out of prison on a ship. And well. I went back to Fallout 3
I just found it a bit pants. Characters like Gongora. Heh. And Jenson seriously needs a slap.
I think I may just eat my words and buy Fable 2.
Get Infinite Undiscovery! If you did get/rent it, give a proper try, most people decide they don't like it in the first couple of hours, and really that is the worst part of the game since it chucks so much at you.
Fable 2 is a good choice though, if you buy it I see no reason why you shouldn't like it.
Hrm, I seem to be getting a craving for the old FF battle systems... may abandon my 360 for a while and molest the likes of FF 8 9 and 10...
No, I never liked 7 as much Could never get into it like I did the others.
See, this is why I'm so much better than you at Resident Evil 5, because you have no gaming taste.
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