You lose your electricity for a day, you still can't play. Break your console, you can't play. You DVD drive breaks, you cant play.....hell YOUR GAME DISK cannot play! There are no guarantees you can play....on any platform, including PC. An internet connection is just another service with equipment that gaming increasingly relies upon.
The original model meant any 2 of the 10 people on your family list could be playing any game at any time, anywhere. I.e. effectively 2 license per game.
That is now gone, as is the entire steam online model. So, the option of having cheaper games that cannot be resold is gone. Choice is gone. In the original plan, it was up to content publishers to decide if they wanted to allow resales, they could even have chosen to sell the same game at 2 different with resale, the other without.
Until today, the original plan meant you could have shared your entire games library with your brother, with both of you playing simultaneously on one set of licenses. Now you will each have to purchase a copy
each and they will almost certainly be more expensive then it would have been under the previous plan.
IMO, Microsoft should have done a lot more to communicate this, instead they put it on a webpage and went quiet as thousands of keyboard warriors took to the internet....then the (clueless) media picked up on it, add in the fanboys posting FUD and microsoft has felt the need to make a knee-jerk which they must be thinking "People are stupid"