Worst i've ever had was for my gibson sg. Got £900 trust fund cash come through a couple of months after my 18th, so i was thinkin i'd get a telecaster for around £300 and put some cash towards a new amp, then i discover sound control near me were doing sg specials for £500....
Off down to birmingham i go with a friend to check things out, walked in and had a little look at the telecasters which the sensible bloke in my head was screamin at me to buy, wandered over to look at the sg's (the friend now bored as she's looked at the paisley strats and ain't interested in anything else. sales bloke comes over and asks if i'd like to try it out. go on i think, what the hell i ain't gonna be down here again what'll it hurt. Plugged into an amp and selected the neck pick-up after one rendition of back in black the sensible guy was no-where to be found and i walked out £530 poorer