As the title suggests, have rounded down to these few.
Am just thinking of giving my 100W Acoustic Solutions surround system the boot because it takes up too much room!
I am a little unsure of Hifi knowledge so I'm relying on you Hifi wizzes that probably have massive speakers etc, anywhoo heres the selection to choose from:
Real Budget Model, Bush
Venturer Model, has 5 CD Changer
Liking the Look of this Goodmans Surround Jobby
And Finally this powerful but ugly Hifi
Im also looking for one of them (if any) that may allow me to connect it to a dvd player or games console for increased sound goodness
I am tempted by the Goodmans as it has surround sound, although a snazzy LED display would be nice too
The main reason of me downgrading my system is space, and the Acoustics simply have too many cables for my liking, so guys, what'll it be?