******special note!********
I've made a balls up, which I fully accept as my fault...previous rounds have run from weekend-to-weekend with results in the following monday, voting then takes place to the friday and a winner is announced. Now, since the date in this one I put down as the 19th not the 17th (like it should be @ self) I'll take entries until wednesday evening, but voting will be until the following sunday so you still get the same number of days to vote.
ALSO since we all like to have double weekends to take our pictures we could start the next one as usual on the week, which yes - means we'l be starting one before the other one finishes so we can get two weekends in.
If there is huge objection to this then please say so, I should have put the right day up so I'm sorry for the confusion but this is the best remedy I can think of...the next round I have a pretty good idea of and it at least gives you lot a few extra days to get what you want if the weather's been cr*p...
on this special occasion i will accept a second submission to replace the first if those that have sent one in would like...but do so wisely! !!
cheers for understanding. feel free to flame me at shiato-gets-it-wrong@all-the-time.com
We've just had a great round and once again Noah and Elmo come out tops! so, without firther a-do...
You take as many photos as you like from this weekend to the next (8th Oct to 16th October), but CHOOSE ONLY ONE that you feel interprets "Autumn" best for you. Its your chance to be as inventive as you want...it could be anything from mist to leafy woodland, or something entirely different, the more unusual the better!
No need to give a reason on your choice once made.
You resize your image to 800 x 600 pixels and less than 200k Maximum - smaller is ok but please no bigger.
Also please note: You may not manipulate your images (unless that is the aim of the challenge at the time, in this case it is not), slight lightness/contrast adjustments and such are permitted, but nothing more that does not represent the original image. This is after all about the picture taking not the fiddling after...(you'll get your chance if you're a photoshopping wizard, just hold on).
You Upload your image to a server (there's a list in the sticky at the top of decent ones you can use) and note down the location... which will be something that I (or anyone else) can put image tags around for posting here [if not, then it won't be included 'cause I won't know how to get to it ]
you then email the location to the following address:
hexus.creativephotos (at) gmail (dot) com
with the subject heading/title "Autumn"
PLEASE DO NOT SEND YOUR PICTURE...If you send me your picture its entry cannont be guarenteed, send me its uploaded location. PLEASE MAKE SURE THE LINK WORKS BEFORE YOU SEND IT...as that sort of helps.
Submit your entries by 7.30pm 19th October and I will make a poll thread displaying all the submitted entries for everyone to place a vote on their favourite. One vote per person, so choose wisely.
this thread will take votes for 5 days (up to the following friday evening - the time at which voting ends will be displayed)
the resulting winner will be acknowleged for their tallents and will have their handy work displayed on no less than HEXUS' FRONT PAGE!!! yes thats right, you'll be famous having your work displayed on the UK's top on-line computer resources front page!
Add to that Bob Crabtree will get in contact with you for a nice little prize ( )...
Lastly, the winner may wish to choose the next subject/theme when the next round comes. So, it'd be good to win!
Entries in by 7.30pm 19th October please, the voting will commence around about 8.30pm after which late entries, I'm afraid, wont get in (unless you've warned me prior). no cheating and by submitting pics taken at another time, thats part of the challenge of selecting the dates! you have a whole week, should be enough for anyone!
So, best of luck everyone, have a good one, the quality is just going up and up!