Hi There,
I'm on the lookout for a new TV but i have quite a few requirements if you could bare with me.
I'm currently using a 20" 4:3 aspect CRT TV. I'm looking to go quite a bit bigger. I've got amodded xbox to output in prograssive scan and my PS2 can out put progressive scan as well so i was something that can atleast offer this over component.
i've been looking at the grenwich model samsung lcds at 26" but since i only have a maximum of £600 to spend at the momment would i be better of looking for a 28" crt that can out put progressive scan (don't know if this is possible or rough cost) if i could get this substancially cheaper than £600 and saving money until i am going to be moving out in about 6 months and can afford to get a better and larger screen? If i buy the lcd i would be expecting it to last me a good few years for the money. If it's samsuing esentially the 3 years of it's warranty.