My system has 1GB of TWIN2X1048-5400C4PRO.
It is not overclocked and the frequency is set to Auto in BIOS setup (so it might be running at 667MHz ? how can I check it ?).
I plan to upgrade RAM to 3GB.
A matching 2GB of TWIN2X2048-5400C4PRO appears to be at the same price as TWIN2X2048-6400C4PRO.
Therefore I prefer to get the 6400 version (so that in the next system I could stick to 6400).
Can I "mix" 6400 with the existing 5400 ?
I think I can but I need to get the frequency set "correctly".
Would I need to change Auto setting in BIOS to a specific value so that both banks are accessed at the same pre-set speed ?
I may consider overclocking 5400 a bit to 711MHz. Clearly 6400 would cope with it without any problems. Would this cause any imbalance ? Shall I stick to nominal 667MHz for 5400 ?
Thanks and Regards