Do we have any Day of Defeat players in here out of Interest?
If so, are you in any clans? Leagues etc?
Do we have any Day of Defeat players in here out of Interest?
If so, are you in any clans? Leagues etc?
Yeah, been playin for quite a bit now, not in any clan though
I was a clan player untill about 6 months ago. DoD seems to have gone off the boil since then, think a lot of people went over to red orchestra. Think I might give it a bash again for a grin, do you play in steam?
Still run clan tags so other ex members can spot me
I've been playing over 3 years now, been through several clans as well. Spent most my time in the BlueyonderDoD community but that's now died so there's a number of homless clans whove moved over to multiplayuk. Taken part in the BYDoD league a few times as wel las a few others
My previous clans are
=BeF= (Britsh Expeditionary Force)
[AB2F] (A Bridge Too Far)
=BA= (British Airborne)
and currently part of [o] (Kryptic Korps)
I'm also part of [OwP] and currently am joint head of battlegrounds for them, as well as admin for their server.
Also wrote a player guide for DoD 1.0 a while back if it's of any interest
and in my spare time I've made packs of modifications for DoD, scripts, commandmenus and otehr miscelaneous tweaks
[WARNING] May contain trace levels of sarcasm
[SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]A[SIZE=2]mbition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy
I've been playing about a month before 1.0 came out. I'm currently in [eF] Emerald Force, I'm pretty sure I've seen some [OwP] guys going about! Currently I'm in charge of running the Forums, Admin on the Server and in the OGL and CAL squads.
Do you guys play in any leagues? We're currently No.2 in OGL, and have re-entered CAL-o, hopefully to progress to CAL-m again, and maybe CAL-i.
Our server IP is if you fancy popping in for a while
I just had a quick read through your guide, its very impressive and thorough, well done.
I play it all the time, I go under the name 'Bootlace' on the [GSV] server. I'm quite good on it sometimes (depends on how good my opponents are, i own all but l337 guys), and i fancy myself as a bit of a Tank Hunter but the [GSV] regulars are too good and often get you before you can hit the tanks of Jagd and the Jeeps on Vilencia (or whatever that maps called).
Whats you guys faverite gun? I love the fg42 in both carnations, but theres nothing more satisfying than knowing a Quarter of your kills are trouts (tip - have knife as secondary weapon like me, you get loads with it as you can eaisly switch to it)
I think I've seen a player called erotic bootlace on servers before, back before Blueyonder Gaming died I was an admin for BlueyonderDoD did you ever play there?
As for [OwP] I'd like to make it clear it's most definetly not a clan but an organisation that promotes fairplay, teamwork and fun. Those who wear the tag have signed an agreement to follow certain rules and breaking them can get you banned from an increasing number of servers. We're active in most Half-Life modifications as well as games like BF1942 and some others
[WARNING] May contain trace levels of sarcasm
[SIZE=2][FONT=Verdana]A[SIZE=2]mbition is a poor excuse for not having enough sense to be lazy
Used to admin a dod server before I went off to university, never been in a clan, but I can karwhore with the best of 'em
Have just loaded up steam for the first time in ages and really enjoyed myself. Decide to lose the clan tag and just keep Flibb[OwP]. What servers you lot play on, and whats your name?
My fav weapons:
Axis - MP40, STG44, Kar
Allies - Thompson, Pea Shooter, Grease Gun
British - Sten, Rifle.
I play as [eF]Dawson, mainly play on our clan server,, based in Phily, maybe ping a little low for you guys (95ish ms).
I did indeed used to frequent the Blueyonder DoD severs as Erotic Bootlace... i had a few peope ei knew who came on at the same time as me occasionally, but then i stopped playing and havn't seen any names i recognise since.
My fav guns for all teams are;
Americans - Garand (i like the rifle Butt), Carbine (shoots so damned fast sometimes), BAR (good compromise instead of mgun)
German - KAR (only coz of the bayonet really), MP44, FG42 (Especially scoped)
British - Lee Enfield (better than the KAR IMHO) Bren Gun (My faverite gun in real life)
Have been on steam again and was suprised at the number of clans up and running. Lots of the old BY names. A lot more people on steam than in won, 32 player servers up as well.
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