My laptop that I am using right now is old and falling apart. Also it fails to play a great many games which I would like it too.
So, the question: would it be better to get a desktop or a specific gaming laptop?
Bearing in mind
1) it would be immensely useful to have easy portability (I have no car, and I would like to use it for LANs and the like).
2) I'd like to spend less rather than more
I have heard somewhere of a gaming laptop that beats a great many desktops in terms of graphics and gameplay, unfortunately I have no idea what it actually is.
Being who I am, I know little to nothing about specs, so don't even ask me about that. BUT, I want something that'll run the likes of CoD4 and other similarly graphically demanding games (except Crysis, that's too huge an ask ). Also, ample memory space would be no bad thing.
Opinions please!