I wanna play but I couldn't seem to find a copy of Crysis in the bargain bins anywhere. I don't wanna pay over a tenner for it though what else to do hmmm!
I wanna play but I couldn't seem to find a copy of Crysis in the bargain bins anywhere. I don't wanna pay over a tenner for it though what else to do hmmm!
Looks like it's been released on Classics, so should be £10 in shops by now I would have thought. Strongly considering getting it for this....
Is it worth getting Warhead as a package with it? I looked online but then that's kinda pushing it up towards £20+ ... for a mod not really sure. Really do hope they get MechWarrior 3015 going haven't played a 'Mech game in like 6 years! Used to play all of them with the last being Mech4...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJZnejcp-qo <--- watch in HD
From what I've read on the forums the final release will be on Crysis wars, which is crysis warhead's multiplayer.
Personally I don't think Warhead is worth £20 on it's own. I played Crysis then warhead and warhead felt a lot shorter. I was still impressed by the story and did sit and play it over a few nights.
having probs, managed to get it running but with crashes, just trying to reinstal
Original prob was that it would hang before entering the startup credits, then it would hang on entering a game (Crysis problems). Think I have it sorted.
Good to hear that more people are playing.
We should arrange for a night to get a few of us on the game and maybe Vent (I know some people use mumble, but I know Geist had problems with this + win7 the other night).
I am loving this game so far. Was playing again last night and me, alone went at it with a mech and battered it, I was just a mere man against a machine, took it apart, limb by limb, watching its arms fall off was nice, then it died.
Then got into a fight with another, driver/ pilot ejected, he landed I stuck a rocket in his face.
Then went up against three mechs, was rather hard and fun, being careful to only use small amounts of my jetpack at a time to dodge so if I needed to, I could evade quickly, managed to get them seperated in the end, then finished off one of them off completely. All in all, I had about 4 or 5 kills, as an ordinary person before I died once, and even that was because I steamed ahead and soon found the entire enemy army...in mech form and promptly got turned inside out and upside.
So yes, very good game
Will try and catch up later for a game. lack of comms at the moemnt is a killer makes mechs easy targets for aircraft and battle suits.
Pfft screw the mechs and aircraft, go at it on foot!!!
Master, the basic idea is two teams attack the crap out of each other, highest score wins.
As you play and get points, you "rank up", as you "rank up" you also "level up" as you do, you start with more credits, ths basically means you can buy better mech's/ vehicles if you want. It is worth noting that if/ when you exiting a game the rank is not saved, so when you go back in, you will be at the cdt rank again, which kinda sucks, but at the same time is good, because there will *always* be someone at the same rank as you which makes things fairer.
I thought the mechs were hard to control at first, but that was just me being very stupid, I find them easy to use now, although I prefer going out of foot and harassing with a rocket launcher ^_^
The comms does kind of suck, do you have Ventrilo by any chance a mic + headset?
New update has just come out, details at
really liking this mod, I played the original games the first time around. Highly recommended if you fancy something a bit different
Sorry to bump an old thread but is anyone still playing this?
I managed to get hold of Crysis maximum edition and had a go last night pretty addictive ended up playing till 1am then realised oh oh got work in the morning! :O I keep getting owned though not like how mechwarrior4 was for me!
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