HEXUS.net is giving you the chance to win a copy of Need for Speed:Underground.
To enter, all you have to do is draw your ideal souped up street machine. If you wish, you can doctor a picture of a real car, cut and paste parts together or just scribble something in PSP.. we don't care, we're not fussy.
Merit will be given for amusing and inventive entries... PSP skills are NOT being judged here, so no matter how poor you think you are at drawing, send in your efforts!
Feel free to embelish your fantasy car with as many details as you wish, either notes on the drawing itself, or in a separate word doc... its up to you!
And now the rules:
Closing date for the competiton is Sunday 2nd May
All entries to be sent to deckard 'at' hexus.org
All entries to be in jpeg format for ease of uploading.
Good luck!