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Thread: C & C Red Alert 2.

  1. #1
    Senior Member retroborg's Avatar
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    C & C Red Alert 2.

    Last weekend I played C&C Red Alert 2 against a friend.
    I used the Russians because of their superior Apocalypse Tanks & my friend got the French.
    Later, I was shocked to discover, that the Russians had no Gap generators to hide my base & no Spy-Link Satellites to uncover the map. That left me blind & uncovered, thus getting my ass kicked 3 times in a row, by a player that I can easily beat in Dune2000 & various other RTS.

    What’s the best country to use in C&C RA2?
    So are the Russians any good?

    What's the best over all strategy in this game?

  2. #2
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    I think red alert 2 was the most well thought out balanced game ever in my opinion. I played it solid for 3 years. Once I had masterd a certain technique the oposistion would counter act it in someway. The possibilities were endless!

    When I was playing the game was over way before you could afford apocalypse tanks!

    My advise to you:

    1) Dont use any other soviet team than Iraq
    2) Dont use any other allied team then America or Korea.
    3) Ur first units out of ur war factory should be:

    2 Miners - 1 after the other


    1 Miner, 1 tank, 1 Miner

    Also, build another mining factorywhile u wait, further on in the game say after 4 mins of game play, u should aim to have at least 5-6 miners.

    Aim to build LOADS AND LOADS AND LOADS of tanks. ON EITHER TEAM. Dont let noobs tell u otherwise ie "rusher ****"

    You can then worry about getting ur apocalypse tanks l8r (if you have time)

    Look after your miners.
    Train Dogs to go into battle with ur tanks. At least 15-20 Dogs. This will cause your opponents tanks to concentrate their fire power on your sturdy dogs.....while u blow their tanks away.

    Meh Ive forgotten most of the usual. its been good year since I last played. Back in the day when I was rank 2 in the UK.........those were the days............
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  3. #3
    Senior Member retroborg's Avatar
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    We play in a very large, random generated, flat valley map, with no sea.
    No Nova Weapons or crates.

    My friend follows these tactics:
    He immediately starts building a lot of tanks & miners. He hides his base with those damn gap generators & reveals the level with the spy satellite.
    Then he expands by building other bases, in areas with a lot of money.
    He also relies a lot on those Grand Cannons that the French have, to defend his base.
    It’s difficult to breach that.

    He attacks my base, tanks & unguarded miners from the air, with those flying rocket soldiers, in order to weaken my forces.
    Then, he performs an all out attack with prism tanks & those morphing tanks that turn into trees & rocks.

    He also uses the Tesla troopers to vanish my miners.

    I’m having hard time collecting enough cash with Russia.
    And the fact that I can’t reveal the map & hide my base is unbearable!
    I think I’ll try Libya, or maybe France.

    Why use Iraq, USA & Korea?

    Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
    I need to beat this guy.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Pete's Avatar
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    errr prism tanks are total gits, if he hasnt already hell start using a technique were you get 9 prism tanks in a 3x3 square and teleport them all right next to someones refinery, pre this attack theyl throw a spy at your power plant and kill your defences

    they have lightish armor however so get some apocalyse tanks on them and they die like dogs

    im a iraq or libya player myself
    what i do is just get a nuke and nuke him repeatadly until he gets the point (when hes dead)
    if you cant afford nukes zeppelins are nice....specially when they get promoted

    to get money for this you just have to be very good at using few tanks and troops as effective defense
    plus hundreds of miners
    i seem to do it, im always beating blockers at it
    also win at generals with china v gla

  5. #5
    Ah, Mrs. Peel! mike_w's Avatar
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    Red Alert 2, one of my favourite games...

    To get rid of those Grand Cannons, you might want to try loading up Flak Tracks with Terrorists (as Cuba). The fast speed will let them avoid the fire from the cannons so that you can get up close. The cannons will then be unable to hit them because they have a minimum range. Then you can just blow the cannons up with your terrorists!

    The Flak Tracks are also handy against the Rocket Soldiers and Harriers, especially when they're in groups.
    "Well, there was your Uncle Tiberius who died wrapped in cabbage leaves but we assumed that was a freak accident."

  6. #6
    Richard Allen Evans mr_anderson187's Avatar
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    im quite the veteran at c and c ra2, america is teh way to go, many chrono legionnaire,s wen the send in tanks or sumthin just get one on each tanks, once he chrono man has started vanishing sumthin it cant atack him, theyre even better in the wee vehicles, they rule, not as good as chrono commandos tho, mmmmmmmm
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