What he said ^^
Anyone who thinks a decent MMORPG could run without a monthly fee either has a) no idea how the MMORPG business model works, or b) is living in cloud cuckoo land. They have to charge, whether it's $1 or $15; servers cost money, as does tech support, development, etc.
Yes, over a year an MMORPG would be the most expensive game you've bought in total....but how many other games do you play regularly for 12 months? Most games from the shops are £25-35, and last you a month or two tops. Compares pretty favourably with MMORPGs
IMO. If you're only going to play them the odd hour a week, yes, they're not good value, but then they're not aimed at you as a player either.
There's no way MMORPGs will ever get to the stage where they have to abandon monthly fees. Economically it couldnt happen, and more to the point, MMORPGS are still growing as a genre and most people can and do pay the fees. At the same time, I agree that if the fees get much more expensive then people wont bother.