More right-now specific then Hex's general PC Gaming Doom thread, but console gaming seems to be flying right now, across the board, whilst PC gaming, for me at least, is as exciting as the zoo bit of Drayton Manor Park and Zoo.
I mean, I tempted, oh so tempted, to pick up a second hand Cube and a copy of Resident Evil 4; I knew this game was going to be something special - RE:Make and RE:0 were both superb, but this, going by the reviews, is a step up again. On, a gaming site I respect and am a member of, it got a review score of 9.8, an average reader review score of 9.7 and an average Press review score of 9.9.
It looks amazing, up there with any PC game, and it just reminded me - since I sold my GameCube, I've not had as much fun as I used to have playing Super Monkey Ball, not been as immersed in a game as I used to be playing RE:Make, and not played a game as generally polished and brilliant as Metroid Prime, nor one as magical with the ability to make you smile with its nice touches and clever gameplay as Zelda: Wind Waker.
I'm also tempted to buy a slim line PS2, and kill a bit of time playing GTA: San Andreas (which believe me, is much more than just a time-passer) whilst I sort out a copy of Metal Gear Solid 3. Both games are supposed to be superb, and Metal Gear 3 unlocks content on Meal Gear Acid on the PSP when completed...
Which brings me to the PSP. By far the most exciting prospect on the gaming horizon, more so than STALKER or any other PC game. Looks great, has pretty much the power of a PS2, amazing bright, clear, crisp widescreen, and the games - Metal Gear Acid, a completely new GTA game in the works (, Gran Turismo 4 Portable, a follow-up game to Final Fantasy VII (although this isn't due till late 2005 \ early 2006), Advent Children the FF7 movie, these are all big hitters, system sellers. There's plenty more games that look more than decent as well, like Ridge Racers, Hot Shots Golf, etc.
Then there's Halo II... not enough to make me want to buy an Xbox, but I'd say it has to be better than Doom III was (also coming to the Xbox) and apparently it’s a close run thing between it and Half Life II, which I've now finished and have no desire to play through again.
So, in short, for me, all the action is with the consoles at the moment. There's a few games on the Cube and PS2 that I might have to buy the system to play, as a starter to the PSP main course.
How are the rest of us feeling, post Half Life II hype? PC or Console games floating your boat at the moment? Looking forward to STALKER or getting your hands on a PSP \ DS? Spending more time on your Cube or your PC? Going to be getting a flash new GPU or a Console \ Handheld as your next purchase?