Ok I've started this off the back of the Quake 4 thread to keep them separate
Which did you prefer, the original, dark and gothicly fun mad frag fest of Quake™ complete with its hell knights, scrags, shamblers etc or the slower, totally different and almost totally unrelated Quake2™? Wonder which I preferred eh?
But if we ask most people here i would bet that the majority of people would say quake 2...largely because thats the one that most people would have played first and the most, so it's fair enough. Personally i played quake1 for years when it came out, quakeworld was stll fun online even with a 14.4k modem, and then when 56k came along..wow it was fast Then there were the classics like (original) team fortress..and ofc the single player mission packs and when your bored of all that speed runs and then your own mods, since it was so easy to mod. I didnt play quake2 properly until after half life came out, and I wasn't that impressed with it. Other than the (at the time) fancy gfx it wasn't that much fun, and even that didnt matter too much when some clever sod released GL quake, making it still fun to play it to this day
Granted in terms of techncial achievements quake2 was the better game, better AI, gfc, sound, map size, there was even a progressive storyline (of sorts). But where was the mad fun of circle strafing round a group of zombies, gibbing them all over the place with your grenade launcher; or rocket jumping up to that secret, or engaging in AA battles with the wizzards (one of many names for the flying things). Top fun
Anyway I obviously prefer quake 1, a great mix of single player and multiplayer which has stood the test of time. And i nearly forgot the start when you choose your difficulty - ingenious tbh. Playing it on easy or medium was simple, just walk down the corridor, but to get to hard mode you had to jump over some lava (not hard i know but for complete newbies to fps games they woudlnt be able to do it) and nightmare mode..well that was only for those that explored properly (towards the 4th world, as your falling down through the water hold down backwards and you fall onto a wooden beam, walk along that and you find a secret tunnel, where you can access nightmare mode along with a shoot-to-press switch to enable Ziggurat Vertigo(sp?), a hidden level)