Im making a game for my third year project at uni and for the sake of research I am wondering...
Which platform game (free or otherwise) has an engine (ignoring plot) that stands out from the rest, and why?
Im making a game for my third year project at uni and for the sake of research I am wondering...
Which platform game (free or otherwise) has an engine (ignoring plot) that stands out from the rest, and why?
2d or 3d, doesnt matter really, just after any thoughts anyone might have (though i am making a 2d one)
What I saw of locoroco looked fantastic so yeah I would agree with that
Agreed mario 64 has a good camera system, is this what made it stand out though?
The 3 Grand-daddies of platforming have got to be Kong (aka Donkey Kong, aka Monkey Kong), Miner 2049'er - and Manic Miner
There's something about Sonic the Hedgehog that makes it stand out from all the other games around that era. Complete flexibility of play, bright colours, speed never seen before on any console, and most importantly, completely stands the test of time even today, 15 years after its original release.
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