Just a heads up - it's out now, should fix those server crashes.
Nope it's the proper 1.4 patch.
And if "Total bf2 forums" are anything to go by, then it's absoulete rubbish. Well done EA.
Proper bf2 patch is indeed out, I'm downloading off the multiplay servers now
Just played 4 rounds, and got 5 crashes to desktop.
My Pc aint in the best state right now, but BF2 was running fine beforehand.
this is dice and ea we r talking about theyd need a miracle to release a proper working patch
before on my crappy system i could play 4 games an have connection error. But today on my conroe system i played 5 games and all of them had connection issues, wtf! they better fix this issue, how can they half ass a game so much and then ahve to cheek to go release another game thatl probably be just as bad.
and people are excited about 2142.. pfft, ruin almost everything they touch
After a ful reinstall and full re-patch, five mins into my first game and BAM! Theres that pretty wallpaper I downloaded. Just played again for an hour with no probs, though. Maybe things are looking up.
seems fine to me...
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