Well... no-one seems to have started a thread like this just yet (Well not on this forum anyway) so I thought that i would. I guess quite a few of you would have bought this to go with your Wiis, so lets hear what you think.
Are the graphics that bad? Do you like the new (old?) stlye, hows the 'feel'? How does it compare to others? Just let it all out!!!
Personally, I havent played too much, just done the forest temple. Getting more used to the control system now, and love being able to do the swirling blade attack so easily. Managed to get an RGB scart (at asda of all places!) yesterday and has made a difference over composite, but still a bit rough round the edges though (literally). Still holding out for component cables though...
But, either way, I still love this game - it just feels like it should. The movement and the fighting are quite fun to do and thats the main thing for me. Still waiting for the story to develop so cant really comment on that (so no spoilers please ).
Yes, i know its not exactly the greatest evolution, but thats not to say that this isnt a good game... its very much like Ocarina of time, and you cant really call that a bad thing. Maybe if they get around to releasing a proper Wii version, developed solely for it, say a sequel, then maybe it could be better, but as it stands i'll take OoT v1.5!!!
I wouldnt say that i am disapointed with it, yes could have been more, but i think that its going to be fantastic anyway! Let me know your thoughts