LOL. Just
None of my friends that work in IT are incompetant. I shant bother qualifying that since you probably think experience is wroth 100 times a CCIE
Really. Lots of people that work in IT cant afford £100 for an exam
Anyone that even works in the lowest end IT job and cant afford £100 cant manage their money.
Exactily. So the rest is irrelevant.
You do realise there are more qualifications than degrees, right?
An MCP costs just over £100 for the exam and the textbooks are less than £30 each, especially if you get them second hand.
I know a few people in the £15-£35K bracket in IT that thinks IT qualifications are a waste of time. I know a few in the £60K+ bracket. None of them think they are a waste of time, and oddly enough they are very qualified. However, one doesn't have a degree. He has a CCIE.
If I ever had the choice between employing someone with a good degree and 2 years experience and someone with no qualifications beyone A levels and 10 years experience, I would choose the degree qualified person every time, subject to good references. I can think of 3 people that I know that employ in the IT indistry that will agree with ne straight away.