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Thread: Bloody students

  1. #81
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    Well I think of it like this £3000 student loan a year on a 4 year MEng course so thats £12000 already +£2000 worth of student overdraft and I'll come out with -£14000 and I have to get my parents to cover some housing fees now if I worked during the summer I could cut this down to -£10000 quite easily but I keep buying new bits for my bike pc etc. At the end of the day I just think well most likely tou'll be in debt most of your life with all the mortatage and all and the student loans company dosnt ask for it back all in one go. One more thing oversea students, man! they are getting robbed blind they can pay tuition fees of £8000-£12000 a year depending on their course!

  2. #82
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    I disagree with some of the comments made on here but accept that it is your right to have an opinion.
    I thought I would post my life on here as a student in his 3rd yr. To give u non students a little insight and maybe put rest ur quabbles against students.

    My dad is 60 and has retired/made redundant. My mum is a registered childminder and together dont really make much income to support 6 of us. But they manage.

    I have been studying music, which is an art form, and to some people consider it a less important degree. How they come to this conclusion is amazing.

    I was offered a place at university because they saw I had potential and that I could further my interest in the subject. Regarding tuition fees, fortunatly, due to my parents current situation, the local LEA were able to pay for MOST of my tuition fees. I still had to pay a small amount. NOT my parents, me. This money came out of my STUDENT LOAN. Apart from my PART TIME JOB, I had no other income. I had to pay board money for staying at home which is £50 p/m. Plus food, internet, books.....

    Now, because I love playing music, I wanted to make a living out of it, I didnt HAVE to go to university but because the choice was there I decided to go. Had my parents been slightly better off, I may not have had the chance.

    So, knowing that I was lucky enough to go to university, I wasnt gonna screw around with it. I took it seriously. And for those who think music is a walkover; here is the past sylabus and assignments record (from what I remember)

    Year 1:Foundation year

    A+T - 2 exams, 1 each semester.
    Theory - 2 Assignments, 2 exams
    Classics - 2 assignments, 1 exam
    Popular music - 2 assignments
    Performance - 2 assessments 20 mins each
    API - 2 performance Exams

    Year 2

    Jazz Comp - 2 assignments
    Jazz History - 2 assignments 1 exam
    classics - 2 assignments 2 exams
    A+T - 2 Exams
    Analyitcal Studies - 2 Assignments 1 exam
    Performance - 2 assessments 1 exam
    API - 1 Exam

    Year 3 (current)

    AHS - 2 assignments 1 Exam
    German Romanticism - 2 Assignments 1 exam
    Jazz Techniques - 2 assignments 1 exam
    Jazz History - 1 2500word assignment
    Analytical Project - c.3000 words
    Commercial - Composistion/cover/15min presentation

    Year 4....I have yet to conquer!

    On top of these assignments, i have to find time to practice (which usually about 2 hrs a day cept weekends cos i WORK), play music and at some point have a little time out. Now to most students whom I know, Im not doing to bad regards money debt. Iam £4000 in student loan debt, and considering I have been there for 3 years and have not yet had an overdraft I consider myself well off.

    Now just because im have been thru university does NOT make me a better person from the next. It does not gaurenettee a well paid job at the end of it. It does however further educate me in something Iam interested in and help me to pursue it as a career.

    I have had smug comments off non-students who have a full time job, but somehow see them as earning less than 12k a year and still living at home with their parents. I dont care of thir opinions. I am working my f*cking ass off to do well at university. I dont spend my loan on booze, weed whatever. I admit to spending it on computer upgrades but so what? Its my money, I understand I have to pay it back, But I'd rather go thru uni enjoying myself than earning 12k a year.

    Thanks for reading, and enjoy your film.
    VSC heheh
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  3. #83
    Senior Member Shad's Avatar
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    This thread is so old it's not even funny

  4. #84
    . bledd's Avatar
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    i waste my student loan, sure. i dont get hand outs from my parents, i just work like 6 days a week in the summer to be able to afford to always be out on the piss, i know its silly, but its fun

    i wont take out any credit cards or what not, and i know i'll have a 12k odd debt (from student loan) to pay off, but like you said, i'll be earning enough money to not need to worry, i dont moan about not having money, there's ALWAYS a way of making money

  5. #85
    Photographer; for hire!! shiato storm's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shad
    short-sighted fools sucking the blood and money from this country.

    oh dear...clearly you are the short sighted fool. and clearly not keeping up with current affairs are we? the problem of student debt are compounded by the fact that employers no longer look for just qualifications and that often people employed - instead of going into degree - are so much higher up the ladder by the time their learned counterparts start that the huge debt problems really hardly apply. so its looking increasingly like uni isn't always the best option for some - especially those mickey mouse degrees like fashion design [wtf is the point?!!!just a useless token degree that devaluates 'proper' degrees that actually contribute to peoples lives. if you're looking for spounges look to these people]
    anyway - old thread, 'nuff said. now p*ss off.
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  6. #86
    Put him in the curry! Rythmic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shad
    Always after a free lunch, that's the trouble. Too busy squandering their money on dope and partys. Irrisponsible, short-sighted fools sucking the blood and money from this country.
    Do you know what students get paid for them now?

    Council Tax

    Thats it. The goverment has been slowly taking away every single benefit that students get - and thats about the only thing they have left.

    So they're hardly getting "a free lunch" or "sucking the blood and money from this country" - but it's useful for the goverment to have people keep believing this.

    I'd say it's more shortsighted to do our best to limit access to higher learning to only the rich - which is what we're currently doing.

    Or would you rather we shut down all the universities and leave all research and development up to the states?
    Now go away before I taunt you a second time.

  7. #87
    ^-- I'm with stupid --^
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    Flippin' eck this thread is old! It wouldn't suprise me if you went back to Page 1 that Jesus has posted somewhere on the page | RIP Zoltan

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  8. #88
    Senior Member Stubzz's Avatar
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    This thread is the same as every other one about student, an excuse to moan and winge about them. To all those who hate us for no reason I feel I must appologise for deciding to enter futher education. For it is my opinion that I will have a beter chance of getting a better job, and hence a better standard of living. Guess I was wrong

  9. #89
    Pink & Fluffy! Elmo's Avatar
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    Some are just jealous of our sheer wanting to continue our education, some are envious of our motivation to learn because they cant be bothered to carry on when they can earn money right now...

    For some of us, in our chosen diciplines, you cant just go straight into work at the age of 16 or 18. We HAVE to go through uni to get there. Why should the rich kids be the only ones with a chance to make a go of their lives in an area that others find interesting too? For example, pharmaceuticals and chemical industry, medics, scientists of every field, why should the intake be restricted to those who have the money? what about those who are fortunate enough to have the brains, but wouldnt quite make it without loans/bursaries?

    It isnt US who are short sighted here, it's clearly you.

  10. #90
    Senior Member Shad's Avatar
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    The original opinions stated in this thread may not be valid anymore. This was an interesting discussion at the time, but frankly, that was quite a while ago.

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