So, if the one-eyed Scotsman reckons the time is right, we could have one of those general election things on our hands very soon.
Lets leave the Lib Dems out of this, as they have no chance of power, Ming could obviously never be allowed control of the country, when he probably has limited control of his bladder, their last leader was a piss artist, and Lembit Opik is having sexual intercourse with one half of the Cheeky Girls.
Firstly, should McCyclops call an election? He hasn't been voted in, we (well, some of you) voted for trust me Tony, who promisededed on his moms life that he would serve a full term, then had it away on his toes. So the people should get a voice on the issue, yes? Right thing to do and all that.
If there was an election tomorrow, where would your vote go? Left or Right? Red or Blue? I suppose if you are a Lib Dem voter, you can post and say so, but really, who cares? A Lib Dem voter is as important to the future of this country as yesterday’s weather forecast.
Gordon the Brave or Chameleon Dave?