If your mate's spouse is cheating?
This is one question I never really answered satisfactorily. I recently came across a guy who was a good friend once, but his wife walked off with another bloke and he became a bitter, and quite nasty, person. He was probably my best friend at the time, but I was 20 and he 28 and we were living in the Middle East and when I realised that his wife (who had slept with "somewhere between 200 and 300 men") was doing it with another bloke I didn't know what to do. So I shut up and did nothing.
That decision was based upon a lot of variables, one of which (in self-justification) was my relative youth.
Now I am older and I have seen a lot more marital infidelity and I have never spoken to the cuckold involved. I am sort of lucky in that my life means that I seldom get into the situation nowadays where I am privy to this information; I am usually not around.
I wonder though, just out of curiosity, does anyone think that it's better to tell? Assume that you had incontrovertible (but not portable) evidence of your best friend's spouse having an affair. You know, but you can't provide evidence. Would you tell your friend?
I wouldn't. I think that there's an element of "what the eyes don't see the heart won't grieve over", but there's also the unpredictability of the result of telling. Perhaps a marriage will be shattered beyond repair, breaking up a family. Perhaps the friend will not believe you and hate you forever. Perhaps anything.
And it's none of my business, is it?