In the last few months I have noticed Good and Bad Design.
Cos some stuff sold for babies/toddlers is so badly designed it makes me shudder.
Other stuff is amazing.
Push chairs for example. Ones that hold Car Seats, and you can then use as a push chair when littlun is older.
The Mothercare versions were deisnged by a person with a brain the size of a pea. And they weigh a ton. The do benefit from large, infratable tyres, and cos there's only three wheels, are very manouvreabe. But ...once you've folded it for the boot of the car, it won't stand upright while you open the boot. You ca't even lean it on the car cos the wheels stop it from standing securely. Even with the brake on.
But the Britax one, 4 wheels, folds to 2/3 the size, weighs less, and stands on it's own, so that when it's raining, if it falls over, it doesn't get covered in mud and dirty water.
Baby high chairs for feeding.
Now THIS is a shower of dog excrement. If anyone wants to spend a funny 20 minutes, go to Mothercare and ask the sales people to show you how to fold all the High Chairs up. It's a miracle of entertainment, nothing funnier, not even Jeremy Clarkson on a roll.
And then I spotted an absolute corker, that, while it was fully erected, I just KNEw wuld fold up flat. I could SEE it was 100% obvious. And with no guidelines or instructions, I folded it, with one squeeze of a handle and ..there.....flat as a pancake, 1/4 the size of the one the Sales Girl; was tagled up in. Design.
Wolfking Gaming Keyboard. USB, plugs in at any time, gives me loads of buttons in the right place, helps me play my favourite GRAW game, and then, unplugd and slots into my book shelf. Heavenly design.
Bosch Garden shredder. Smaller than I expected, quiter than I expected, shredded all my small garden branches, plant growth, into the finest crumb-sized particles which got dug back into the soil and are rotting now making good compost. BUT...proving that Bosch know what's happening on stuff like this, I opened it up to see if it needed cleaning, and the blade comes off in 10 seconds, and I sharpened it on my grinder for next season. Design.
Ikea sofa bed. Had it for years now, been in the spare room in both houses, and having slept on it to practice, can safely say it's nice. Also a very nice sofa, and I've just sat on it for an hour playing Need For Speed on my Game Cube. Fold up easily, sprung bedding, and still made so new covers are easy to get to change the room's decoraton. Design.
Have you got anything that is simply well designed?