How profound, about anything, can you be in just one line? No linking. No quoting. Best one-liner wins.
How profound, about anything, can you be in just one line? No linking. No quoting. Best one-liner wins.
I fell, therefore I dead.
I pink, therefore I ham.
I stink, therefore I hum.
Clunk debunked
I Clunk, therefore I spam (someone's going to say it, may as well be me...)
Efficiency is allowing enough time to finish what you've st
JK Ferret (29-03-2008)
Apathetic or apoplectic, you decide
Let us not be led by fools..
: RFNX Ste | : stegough |
seriously, Santa, this is really hard - can't think of anything approaching profound or original. either i've no profound brain cells or there isn't anything that hasn't been said. can't even recall that many existing wise one-liners; all i can think of are proverbs, let alone what 'confucius, he say.' maybe you'd have to try this when you're feeling maudlin & philosophical, early hours or something... (by the way i did lol at yours but being vegetarian i can't really admit to it..)
It's meant to be hard (ooer missus) I think it's going great.
Code:If I wrap this text in <code> tags then I undermine the whole process, because I can write as much as I like on a single line, due to the fact that wrapping is turned off and instead a scroll bar appears, unless some loon turns off horizontal scrolling for the particular style that's been used, but who'd do that? Anyway, my name is Steve and I'm an antagonist.
JK Ferret (29-03-2008),santa claus (30-03-2008)
zomg you cheat!
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