Speaking from long personal experience, with my uncle being some head chief grand wizard bloke of at least three lodges (one after another) and still being heavily involved in the Masons, and having attended several Masons events, I can quite honestly say that outside of the KKK I've never met a bunch of more collectively bigoted, misogynistic, self-congratulating, fatuous, condescending pricks in my entire life.
Sorry, but there it is.
To put it in the words of several masons, thinking they were being politically correct, "No, we don't allow coloureds... or Jews".
Incredibly, I was asked to join... and after a good pico-second of thought, I told them to get stuffed.
Once I was more aware of the masons attitude to non-white races and non-christian religions, I have since politely declined every and all invitations to their dinner nights, golf evenings and all that.
Sure, my ignorance is no excuse but I stopped as soon as I found out what their ideals really are.
Perhaps things have changed? Well, I find that hard to believe seeing as ingrained bigots choose who joins next.
Sure, on the face of it, having a 'club' where everyone helps each other out is all well and good, but it's really a crappy pyramid scheme, the higher up you are, the more benefits you get from other members.
And how good is an organization that immediately asks you to lie so you can get in? I was told to not tell anyone my wife is Jewish... oops, better not tell them I had a black girlfriend once either... or copped off with a hot Chinese chick for a couple of weeks on holiday once.
Sorry esh, I'm in no way saying you shouldn't do whatever the hell you want and it's frankly none of my bloody business anyway, but as you can probably guess, on both a personal and ethical level, I thoroughly disapprove of the masons.
If you want to support a charity and get a warm fuzzy feeling, pick up the phone and set up a sub to the NSPCC instead.