Only 262 points for me.... Although i must say that the way this test is done (random words not having any relation to each other) is not helping, as my hands seeem to type better when a text makes sense (does it make any sense?)
Only 262 points for me.... Although i must say that the way this test is done (random words not having any relation to each other) is not helping, as my hands seeem to type better when a text makes sense (does it make any sense?)
179 points, so you achieved position 52902 of 96024 on the ranking list
You type 253 characters per minute
You have 48 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
That is a weird test, random words make it much harder to think while typing.
You have to THINK to do something as easy as typing?
I'm amazed. I just do it.
Touch Typing pwns!
Very slow nowadays, used to be able to type faster than a 50 baud t/p machine would allow.
The timelag on this computer between me pressing keys and text coming up is enough for me to eat a sandwhich inbetween when typing lots of words.
So I can't actually see what I'm typing.
And I suppose that I can type this fast due to practise... lots of typing will do this to you.
I guess we're expected to do quite wellOriginally Posted by Fortune117
I type lots, and i generally know where everything is on the keyboard, but I can't touch type to save my life - I have to look in the general direction of the keyboard, so I know when I'm pressing a wrong key
I'd say I'm medium-fast when i know what i'm typing, but copying from a visual source would be pretty slow going for me (I guess I could type down dictations ok though). And I don't need a WPM test to tell me that
I can type fast enough to hurl insults at people between frags in an FPS, fast enough to sexxor cute night elf women (probably) in between cycled attacks and fast enough to type responses to threads in Hexus when my boss aint looking.
I don't need to be any faster
JK Ferret (03-08-2008)
I got an error undefined
I went back and meessed around
You type 267 characters per minute
You have 1 correct words and
you have 298 wrong words
^That's the sort of typing you'd expect from someone that only ever uses a computer to play games.... and has never heard of the almighty ways of actually typing accurately with more than one finger.
Just redid this at home (was on a friends applemac with strange keyboard with time lag)
266 words per minute.
Rank 170.. some people must have got less words wrong (I got 15 wrong... I hit space at the wrong time for most of them)
I guess we're expected to do quite wellOriginally Posted by Fortune117
Just did it again...
288wpm, but it ran out of words at 30 seconds.
So I'd probably get slightly less again.
meaning somewhere around 500-600wpm? That test is easy.
Any others that you want to throw at me? I not got much better to do...
I guess we're expected to do quite wellOriginally Posted by Fortune117
I can't type that fast unless it's easy words. If it's longer words or ones that are not actually in front of me I lose maybe 5/6 of that speed.
Such a pity.
You only need 60-70wpm to be a typist apparently
if we say the average letter count per word is 4. that would be 500 * 4 = 2000, 2000 / 60 = 33 chars per second....hmm
VodkaOriginally Posted by Ephesians
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