442 points, so you achieved position 611 of 89023 on the ranking list
You type 563 characters per minute
You have 101 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
will try to hit 100wpm
[e!] 101 wooo!
442 points, so you achieved position 611 of 89023 on the ranking list
You type 563 characters per minute
You have 101 correct words and
you have 0 wrong words
will try to hit 100wpm
[e!] 101 wooo!
Much more fun :
I'll be lucky if I manage half a letter a minute. That's after 3 cans of redbull too.
190 points, so you achieved position 44628 of 88946 on the ranking list
You type 252 characters per minute
You have 46 correct words and
you have 1 wrong words
and you are using all the wrong fingers ...
I think I type logical sentances faster than this annoying test!! 61p/m so far.
Bored now I'll do a German Pyscho kid if I continue.. I got to 65 with about 7 mistakes
I don't intend on typing that much anyway bit over rated if you ask me
Can manage 81wpm, but accuracy drops a little when doing so. To be honest you only need to hit about 50-60wpm so that you can take down spoken conversation as it happens.
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This is bunny and friends. He is fed up waiting for everyone to help him out, and decided to help himself instead!
I can type pretty fast, but i do make a lot of mistakes.
With Marvis Beacon 40wpm, otherwise 10wpm
Ah well, I'm on 29 words per minute.
I do better when I know what I am typing though rather than a random type selection of words.
363 points, position 3069/91102
488 cpm
I want 100 wpm really, then I'll be happy.
I do find this a little limiting though, and I type a lot slower in real life, as I think about what I'm typing instead of just copying out things.
I guess we're expected to do quite wellOriginally Posted by Fortune117
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