Well, my boiler decided to give up the ghost on Sunday morning, called up the 24 hour service "hotline" to get an engineer out... but turns out they don't offer a 24 hour callout service anymore, just a recorded message saying "I'm sorry, there's nobody here right now, please leave a message and we might eventually get around to calling you"
in the meantime, I'm freezing cold, sitting on my couch in a sleeping bag, with gallons of water flooding my kitchen and a pile of black pipe gunk in my sink.
Call up the maintennance arm of my lettings agents, who (as I found out 5 minutes ago, when somebody finally decided to come into the office) no longer have people working weekends, and of course, the woman who I have outside hours contact details for - has left the company.
Apparently someone will be here to look at it for 2 minutes, and say - "Looks like it stuffed mate - don't have the parts to repair it, and even if we did, couldn't be arsed anyway"
At which point I will no doubt have to call the agents, who will say "We'll have to get quotes from alternate suppliers, lose the paperwork, and pretend we never got your call in the first place" before eventually getting around to fixing it, when summer eventually rolls around.
Loadsa fun!