Well, I survived... Just!
I shall quote a fellow hexite here by saying "An awesome weekend of win with just a pinch of Fail"
Fail was the word of the weekend, usually directed at yours truly.
So, How was it?
In a word. WIN.
This is my first "proper" LAN (meaning not consisting of a bunch of mates in a front room) and I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was no good at games, but being there with a bunch of mates makes up for that, even when your PC reinstall fails and you have to end up re-doing it for the first 4 hours.
[H3XU5] thoroughly trounced the competition at the "How long can you stay up" game, finally calling it a night (morning) at 7.30am... the problem with going to sleep that late is that you lose out on the prime sleeping spaces and have to resort to sleeping in the car! (Remind me to take up Gerrard on his offer next time)
Roll on to 10.30am and it's way too hot for sleep in the car, so 3 hours will have to be it for now.
Another 8 hours of gaming with a "Pick up Lee@Scan" break halfway through.
I decided at 1am that getting some sleep would be a good idea, as although I'm used to sleep deprivation, it's not a goood idea when you've got to drive home too. 7 hours of the most needed sleep and a lot of snoring later (apparently - I haven't had the proof it was me yet) we commenced the last session of the weekend. While the other boys were playing a various selection of games, Rastamanblues (Chernobyl Smurf!) and I had a 3 hour marathon of C&C Generals Zero Hour. Much bombing, building and waiting around for cash later and it was time to go home. Afternoon was marred a little with the appearance of the WASP attack, which is made even funnier by the wimpy boys running away every 10 secs, allowing me to get a good advantage in on C&C!
Mainly we stuck to the core games of UT (GOTY), C&C Generals and COD4 with a bit of early morning Flatout2 Bowling (Finally got 7 pins right on the last go... go me!) and the boys attempting GRID and BF2 with a side order of Sup Con. We lost JK Ferret to Guitar Hero at one point...
Last game of the weekend was the sprint race to the best "car loading up space" which was about the ONLY game I won all weekend!
Oh and don't ask me to remind you to get something that is time critical to the LAN as I'll only remember when I get home... Rasta you need a toothbrush from tesco!
It's amazing how fast time flies at these things, is it really sunday night already? I sleep well tonight in the knowledge that I now can use the "wasd" keys... does that make me a fully paid up member of the Gaming community... we'll see! (I was getting more enjoyment from loading screens!) "SABOTAGE BOG!!!!"
I'm gonna let the Boys fill in some of the Gaps, there is too much to remember... but we'll be more organised next time and attempt some kind of hour by hour blog.
Thanks go to Rasher of Game-On for his organisation and to Mrs Rasher for the patience of a saint.