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Thread: Something I started writing...

  1. #17
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    Quote Originally Posted by mediaboy View Post

    Adam has already volunteered to read it all... I do have to wonder about the relative sanity of some people.
    Haha Everything is relative.

    *continues rocking backwards and forwards*

  2. #18
    Salazaar Clone! mediaboy's Avatar
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    I know everything is relative.

    And for that very long post that was previous... If you haven't guessed I don't have a spell checker. Wonders of Wordpad!

    However, thank you.. Things like that mean that I have to go back and edit the original (And that is a long long way away from an internet connection) to make it make sense, and also proves to me just how much I miss in first-time editing.

    As for the grammatical things and use of terminology.

    Publicised: "made known"
    Published is probably the better of the two words to use in this case.

    I always get its and it's mixed up.. it's one of the few words which I can never remember which rule applies.

    Thank you for the note about the shock waves, but I like the idea of the pain more. I might correct it, maybe not.. It's one of those things which I should correct but which would start to make it sound more like an essay than something I'm doing for fun.

    Creosus? Is that it? Meh.. I always think it is Cresote. Is being corrected now.

    Marothea is the name of the planet in Hitch Hiker's where the richest men alive live. They earnt lots of money and are currently spending a few billion years in cyrogenic units to wait for the universal market to recover.

    As for the punctuation... it's a matter of what I like to use. I like ellipses but I'm aware that it's not grammatically correct to use them. I'll moderate my usage in future posts.

    As I'm bringing the whole thing down for Anubis I guess I'll put up a bit more for you to proof read

    You pick up on the mistakes which'll lose me marks. Or just get me a reputation as a writer who can't always use the correct punctuation/terminology.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fortune117
    Kids are getting smarter, eventually no amount of parental controls will be able to stop them
    I guess we're expected to do quite well

  3. #19
    Senior Member AdamAnubis's Avatar
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    I'll try and proof read it aswell if you want, but I am reading for the content rather than spelling I am a grammar nazi, but not too extreme so will pick up on some and not others As for marks, you loose some marks for spelling/grammar, but not loads. 1 maybe 2, nowdays they mark it for content rather than full stops etc

  4. #20
    Salazaar Clone! mediaboy's Avatar
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    They've nicknamed the spelling/grammar mark the "SPAG" mark.

    That's the "Spelling, Punctuation And Grammar" mark.

    It was recently classed as offensive for some reason.

  5. #21
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    because of SPAG BOL, the most offensive of all foods
    Quote Originally Posted by Ephesians
    Do not be drunk with wine, which will ruin you, but be filled with the Spirit

  6. #22
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    New extract:

    9th Sept. 2008.

    Day two of my infernal ramblings. I started this entire thing as a result of being bored at 10 o'clock one evening and having nothing to do and not feeling particulary tired. However, it IS really relaxing and it also seems to quiet down some of my more worrisome fears. Maybe this is why people write a diary.

    I was talking about diaries yesterday, to a fairly good, albeit very worrying, friend of mine. I wondered if she (yes... big wow.. I have female friends. It's called friendship, nothing special. Well, excepting in a few people where my feelings for them run in entirely different directions, but I'm getting off of the point) kept a diary. No.. I'm not a pervert that wants to read into peoples head.

    Unlike you who obviously want to get into mine. Strange people.

    However, I only wondered if she had one for the simple reason that I wanted to know if she thought it was a good idea for me to start one of my own.

    Believe it or not... this is what happened. Yes, this. The thing that you're reading. My version of a diary!

    Back on topic - she told me it was a good idea. But that she didn't know what I meant (I HAD said "computerized diary" I suppose.) About 10 minutes later, and several explanations of simplified and even simpler simplified words she fianlly got the idea. And then said it was a bad idea, and she didn't keep a diary because she couldn't be arsed. Charming! She needs to wash out her mouth. I'd suggest it but she'd probably murder me, call round for me or set her boyfriend (who also happens to be a friend of mine) on me. Although that WOULD be quite amusing I suppose.

    Her boyfriend spends most his time on his comptuer playing games. They're made for each other I suppose. She's got the time and patience to waste away after someone playing games all the time and he's got the money to spend on her. Perfect!

    On that same sort of vague topic.. I'll ramble about Gaming for a bit. Yes, that's got a capital letter on it on purpose. I'm not going insane and being unable to write simple words without accidentally hitting the shift key. You see, Gaming isn't just your everyday gaming. It's more important. It's a way of life. I found a gamer's creed on the internet the other day. "Destructoid's 10 Golden Rules of Gaming" they're called. They aren't serious, but they do capture the image of the stereotypical gamer fairly well.

    For example;

    Rule 1 reads: Gaming is more than a hobby. It is your entire life.
    Which is basically true, with the exception of the other neccessities in life... like girls that are willing to wait to get attention with mobiles or rining phones... and parents that have food available to you.

    Rule 7 or 8 (I can't remember which reads: The only purpose of a microphone is to play music down it. Especially everything by Rick Astley. All gamers love Rick Astley. You'll get an uber reputation if you play his music.
    It DOES neglect to mention that Rick Astley is one of the few universally hated people for the Rick Rolls of the last twenty years and that most of his music will immediately get you a BAD reputation. It is a reputation of some sort, but it's a bit like having a reputation for sleeping around. One that some people want to avoid (girls) and that some people want to have (boys) and that all sensible people (practically no one) ignore.

    Other Rules include how to insult people, what tactics NOT to use and so on. Basically it's a joke amongst gamers. Some people, for some bizzarre reason, take it seriously. I can't imagine why. It's not like all gamer's automatically follow them without realising it and that they are actually fairly accurate representations of what goes on. Of course it can't be! What made you think that?

    Jokes aside, gaming is a serious buisness. I've been known to literally run home to get on a game before such and such a time so as to get 4 hours playing time in after school. Yes, it's sad... BUT some games are worth it. Take, for instance, the days when I was sadly addicted to Runescape. That online game that most people wouldn't touch with a very long stick and that everyone plays. That one.

    I would run home to get home before four o'clock to get the necessary 5 hours training till half nine in (that's 9:30 for those that can't understand good English...) whilst still not bolting down my tea. Dinner. Evening Meal. In those 5 hours I would typically spend 4 hours of that training and about 1 hour running around in the "Wilderness" player killing (or pking as it is called amongst those that actually play the game.)

    Player Killing was the only reason I actually played the game. Unlike other games where it's all skill, or other games where it's all luck, Player Killing strikes a balance between long-term skill, short-term skill, luck and how fast you can run away from clans who have more people on their side. For instance, I had to consider things like how people react when I pull out the dread 2H (a slower hitting weapon that needs 2 hands but that hits harder) or when I turned on my prayer so that they couldn't hurt me.

    Generally speaking, they didn't like it. They'd run off. Occasionally they'd show a brain and do something different, but it was unlikely that I'd ever get anything from doing it. Or at least, enough to make a profit. I could just about break even normally.

    For example, I'd kill some guy and get a nice suit of armour worth.. say... 300,000 gold pieces. I'd run back and sell it, and on the next trip I'd die, losing MY armour worth 300,000 and having to replace it with what I just made from selling the armour I got from the last trip. It's the rules of logic.. it can't be made profitable for everyone. But if you PK long enough, getting enough breaking evens you can nudge into the realms of money making with a few lucky kills.. as in - the other person's computer is so awful that they lag and therefore just had to sit watching you slaughter their virtual selfs whilst being unable to do anything about it.

    So you ask, if I hardly ever made money, why did I actually bother withthe whole thing?

    The answer is quite simple. It was fun. Addictive, simplistic fun. I didn't have to worry about how I felt about this girl and that girl and the other girl and no one cares about how old you are or how tall you are, or indeed - very little about anything but how you act towards other players.

    It means that I can drop most of the inhibitions I put upon myself and just act myself.. something I find myself sadly unable to do in the real world. It's depressing. That is.. it's depressing to think of it like that. It's much better to think that I trust the online world to totally not care about myself and therefore act better. Although that COULD be seen badly I suppose. Lose lose situation for me in this scenario, so I'll move swiftly on.

    But I hear some people shouting at me. "What about all those strategy games you play? Aren't they all skill based?" The answer, believe it or not, is yes. But there I have skill. I can play strategy games. Until 3 in the morning if necessary, although I DO like my sleep. And, of course, I like strategy games... I don't mind practising and practising until I can play at a semi-decent level where there's more than enough things to distract me and to make me get involved in the game unlike in some games where I basically just have to sit back and watch my digital world get on with playing itself.

    Games like that suck majorly I'm afraid. Dawn of War is a good game. Buy it if you don't have it, if you do have it get expansion packs. If you have all the expansion packs already you're a sad sad person. Welcome to the world of gaming.


    ICT GCSE.... One of those compulsory subjects that you drop as soon as possible. Reading from the sheet I have to do... word for word:

    "AOW1 File Management

    1 Create two subfolders inside of a main folder
    2 Show Files in an appropiate place inside of a subfolder
    3 Show that you can delete move copy files
    3. Show that you can delte move copy folders...


    The list goes on for two pages. There's about 60-70 bulletpoints. As someone I know put it "Well here's the next couple of hours work. What we doing after that?"

    The answer, believe it or not, is that the ticklist was an entire years work. A year of sitting around and doing nothing. Or doing very little. And I'll probably get more detentions in this than in anything else.

    Joking aside, my LITTLE sister (the 9 year old that is also refferred to as "the pet" or "the chaperone" depending on what she is doing at the time) could do this. And pass with better marks than the majority of my class. I mean.. they really have no clue. We're on windows XP... one of the most sold Operating Systems in the WORLD (Of course, I'm basing this on no evidence whatsoever, so I could be wrong).. and no one knows how to use it. The TEACHER doesn't know how to use it.

    How can you teach a subject which you know nothing about? I mean.. seriously... I could take an attentive class through about 2 units in the time it took her to take us through how to take a screenshot. I could take one person through the entirity of this years work in about 2 or 3 hours. I will, however, have to prove this before I go any further.
    If you've read this far you really must have nothing better to do with your time.

  7. #23
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    I like the way you suggest we can all drop dead of boredom and then b0redom thanks Clunk in the following post...

    probably saved a few lives there Clunk!
    We're only here for the Banter - The Luvvies - Chewin' The Fat

    Violence and Lubrication is the solution to fixing everything, if it still doesn't work, you need more lubrication.

    Quote Originally Posted by this_is_gav View Post
    How do you change the height of them?

    I've just had a quick fiddle with the knob at the front :\

  8. #24
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    Mediaboy, I haven't read all of it, but how are you intending to use this as coursework? I'm presuming you mean English? It's been a while since I did my GCSEs but don't you usually have to analyse a set text, to fulfill certain assessment objectives for basic writing ability, contextual knowledge and understanding of content? I remember writing a short story for English Lang, but that was more to test if you could structure a peice of writing properly.

    From the look of things, you should definately start a blog, although I think you could refine your writing a little in terms of structure. I know they are cathartic 'ramblings' but the stream-of-conciousness becomes difficult to read, especially considering the length of your extracts. Also, not having a spell checker is no excuse for bad spelling, especially if you intend to use this as coursework!

    You should start a blog

  9. #25
    Salazaar Clone! mediaboy's Avatar
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    I can nick extracts from it to use as coursework.

    Although my teacher only calls it coursework; I am beginning to have doubts that she means actual coursework as opposed to homework dressed up in a fancy name to make us do it and not stress out too much. However, I'll keep it up even if she has been lying to us all for the last 13 days, which as she's a teacher is extremely likely, as it's good practise in terms of "establishing a sense of style" as she put it.

    How would you suggest I refine my writing? You mean follow logically on from one topic onto another? It doesn't help that I'm cutting out various parts of this as I post it. If I was to post all of it it might make more sense.

    Find me somewhere to start a blog and I'll start one... like I said... writing is always good.

    Did you mean a blog on these forums? Will the mods and fellow Hexites put up with that?
    Quote Originally Posted by Fortune117
    Kids are getting smarter, eventually no amount of parental controls will be able to stop them
    I guess we're expected to do quite well

  10. #26
    Master Of The Universe CaseyV9's Avatar
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    Whoa, hard to see where the Hitch hikers quote starts and ends. It's all written in the same way, but done well. When I think of the person who is saying these words, in my head they speak fast.
    And uuurrggghhhh, makes my head go

  11. #27
    Salazaar Clone! mediaboy's Avatar
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    Re: Something I started writing...

    For those that want to see the full thing and not just extracts:

    Look here as I took Virtual Monkey's idea and used it.

    The link leads to a blogging site, where you can view all of it, personal and impersonal and the ramblings.

    Not got today's up there yet, I'm still writing it. I tend to spend hours rambling on... On the plus side I no longer do it to all my friends. Yeah! They're fairly pleased.

    For those whom the link doesn't work:
    Quote Originally Posted by Fortune117
    Kids are getting smarter, eventually no amount of parental controls will be able to stop them
    I guess we're expected to do quite well

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