Originally Posted by
8th Sept. 2008.
Hello. Good Morning. If you're reading this it means I've publicised (Did you intend to say "published"?) it somewhere. Or your you're a dirty pervert. Or prehaps perhaps both. Does it really matter at this moment in time? After all, your life, and my life, are certainly almost insignificant on a bigger scale. Take for example, on a relatively small scale, human kind.
As of the last count I saw there's about 6.6 billion people living on this planet. That's a very big number... about 6,600,000,000 to be precise. So that means that you are one six-billionth of all human life on earth. Relatively nothing. To compare it to say.. money.. it's like having a penny out of 66 million pounds (that's 1 cent to 66 million dollars to the americans.. Americans, although that's only worth half as much, much like the americans themselves I suppose... although it's open to debate naturally). In other words - nothing.
But lets take something a little bigger. Let's take your life, your soul - after all, we're talking about YOU here - and compare it to something a little wider. Maybe... all lifeforms on earth? Including bacteria, viruses, aliens, the wierd weird random person who barely counts as human and the other assorted things. Hazarding a guess, I'd say that there's prehaps 10-20 trillion life forms. You know that amount of money I mentioned earlier? Well now, humankind - as a race - is worth about a penny. I don't know exactly, it's not like I can be bothered to work it out all the time. Just because I CAN do it doesn't mean I have to.
However, is life really how your worth is measured? Surely it's not how much life you have, but how you have that life. Do you spend it all at home, sitting on a computer? Or do you not have a life and spend it all going round your mates, or simply jumping up and down on the spot and being stressed or other pointless activities. Analogous to paint drying, only not quite so interesting. In which case, your life isn't measured in money, or any other form but by your actions.. what you DO.
So, say I have two people. Both of them are average.
One of them is a lazy sod though. They spend their time watching Hollyoaks, perving on the Big Brother toilet block and watching other assorted, fairly rubbish, TV reality shows. In other words - a typical teenager. They kill a few people in doing this... maybe they don't realise it, but for all they know the TV could have been made in China, using illegal child workers in awful conditions where the death toll is in the hundreds. It's not like China will notice if a few hundred of it's its* billions disappear. So, without realising it, they're killing people. And then, they eat stuff, they use electricity, they cook food, they only recycle some of their waste. All of these things can have negative effects on the world.
And on the other hand, you've got the other average person. They would try to do the same as the first person but for one small problem.. the lack the basic necessities. Due to the peculiarties peculiarities of the world and the fact that life hates us all, they lack a games console of any description, from a Wii to a PC to a XBOX to some sort of little handheld thingy... a DS or a Gameboy. Both of which are equally good, but some things are more equal than others! Of course, due to the fact they don't have anything along these lines they spend their life doing not very much. Maybe they read books, play chess, grow trees. Well, maybe not grow trees. Doesn't really fit in with the rest of it. Now these books, these chess sets. They were made in China to too. They also caused death in the hundreds.
So are both people equally bad? The first person is having fun wheras whereas the second person probably is some sort of loner with no friends and a better social life... when they actually get a friend to talk to. So the answer is yes? They're **both heartless people with nothing better to do than kill innocent Chinese people! Or is the anwer answer no. ? Is one of them better than the other or is the other worse than the original? I don't know, you decide.
Now I've depressed us all, let's move onto something else.
The next topic I want to talk about is belief. Not just everyday belief in say.. Gods gods ***, football, dying, afterlife, underlife, blowing things to pieces. But , but **** rather belief in yourself. That whatever you want to do you can do. Within reason. Or is it?
The problem I have with most poeple people and their attitude towards life is that they think that somethings some things are impossible. The most common example is flying.
I stole this unashamedly from HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy. I apologise for the Plagarismplagiarism, but I hope that they realise that copying is the sincerest form of compliments and that it happens to be one of my favourite books.
"There is an art, or rather, a knack to flying.
The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
Pick a nice day and try it.
THe The first part is easy.
All it requires is simply the ability to throw yourself forward with all your weight and not to mind that it's going to hurt.
That is, it's going to hurt if you fail to miss the ground.
Most people fail to miss the ground, and if they are really trying properly, the likelihood is that they will fail to miss it fairly hard.
Clearly, it is the second part - the missing - which presents the difficulties.
One problem is that you have to miss the ground accidentally.
It's no good deliberately intending to miss the ground because you won't. You have to have your attention suddenly distracted by something else when you're halfway there, so that you are no longer thinking about falling, or about the ground, or about how much it's going to hurt if you fail to miss it."
It then goes on to suggest that women in not much clothing, or no clothing, jump out at boys, wheras girls could be distracted by a concourse on philosophy. Or - my own personal thoughts on the matter on what might work- the chance to have a credit card which is automatically billed to the husband/boyfriends bank account with unlimited credit. That sort of thing.
So far, in experiementation experimentation, I've failed. Spectaculary ; spectacularly. I presume this is because I have an amazing lack of scantily clad women and an also amazing capacity to fail to miss the ground. There must be a knack to it. Anyone else up for an attempt? If we chuck you off of a 100 storey building you'll have plenty of time to learn, and about 10 miliseconds milliseconds of pain whilst the brain passes through the jelly of the body and splats against the pavement.
Note: Not so. In fact the shock waves pass through the blood causing massive shock waves in the brain and the equivalent of a thousand or so strokesthat pulverise the brain. Since the shock waves travel faster than nerve impulses, the nerve impulses never arrive, but I assume that you were aiming for hyperbole.
The song "He jumped without a parachute from 40,000 feet" comes to mind, although I doubt that many people will actually know the song.
Back to belief - I think that nothing is impossible. With the logical exception of doing nothing, which leads me to think that all dictionaries are wrong and nothing doesn't actually mean nothing but something very close to nothing meaning it does mean nothing and therefore doesn't.
If that makes sense to you well done! If not, don't worry. You can go and sit down for a while and put it out your mind. Read HitchHikers Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. You'll enjoy it. It's got practically no sex in it, apart from pages 1-590 in my 590 page edition.
If you believed, strongly, firmly, without contradictions or doubts, that you would live forever, you would live forever. However, because - subconsciously - you are aware that living forever is a physical "impossiblity impossibility" you die. Simple enough. However - you COULD prolong your death. It's called cyrogenics cryogenics. Its basically murder, but with every intention of bringing you back.
I heard that it was invented by a bunch of level 70 necromancers that escaped from World of Warcraft.
Which leads me onto life and death. Life support technology - or Death Support Technology, as it has been dubbed elsewhere - is becoming increasinly increasingly popular. Afterall After all, which selfish bugger doesn't want to cling to life for another few days?
Personally, I think that by the time I'm 70 or 80 and about to die I think I'll want to die. Obviously, if I don't think I'm ready to die.. say I'm 30... I'll be the selfish bugger. I want to live my life thank you very much! Suicide never really appealed to me though. Maybe I'll go down the Euthanasia euthanasia route.
Y'know - I saw some total idiot mention that as "Youth in Asia." I'm not sure whether he was being racist by saying that Youths in Asia all like to assist suicide or whether he just can't tell the difference between what are basically hired assassins who you hire to kill yourself and a charity which tries to SAVE people. There is a difference!
For those that don't know, Euthanasia means you stop hanging onto life and let yourself go. Like suicide but with help. The relatives generally have to agree as well.. From a cynic cynical point of view I'm guessing how rich you are plays an important part in how soon they sign on the dotted line and cut off your death prolongment prolongation machine.
Joking aside.. if you're some poor person that gets benefits I'm guessing they'll wait until just after you get one batch so as to get the most money. If you're Creosote (I assume this is an intentional play on the name of Croesus) (that's the greek Greek guy who was really rich) or from Marothea (? Where's that then? Should I know?) I doubt that they'll wait. They'll be like "Yes, Granny would have wanted to go without pain" and in secret "Okay then.. how long till we can get the new Ferrari?"
Heartless! The lot of them! I bet that the life support stuff is Chinese as well!
However, China may not actually use child labour, and it's been a few months since I last saw anything made in China, and to be honest most of the illegal labour stuff about the Chinese people happens in Britain. Maybe it's just a carefully constructed propoganda propaganda assault?