Hi all,
I'm hoping someone can offer me a little bit of advice.
I'm running Vista x64 with an ATI Radeon HD 4850 running two monitors, and I'd like to add two more. Currently I have a Dell 2405FPW 24" TFT on the primary DVI and a cheaper CIBOX 22" on VGA both monitors are running off the same graphics card.
Now I know the Matrox TripleHeadToGo/DualHeadToGo device can split one of the cables into a much wider display for multiple monitors but the cost (around £100) is about the same as getting another ATI Radeon HD 4850. Another card would be much more powerful and give more bang for buck. Plus, I could connect a second card to my existing one in Crossfire for an added performance boost that I wouldn't get from the Matrox.
1. Could I use two 4850's connected in SLI configuration to power three or four displays?
2. Could I use a secondary (PCI?) graphics card which is much weaker/cheaper than a second 4850?
3. Why buy a Matrox Dual Head to Go for a desktop workstation instead of a second graphics card?
Thanks in advance for any advice!