Ignoring the spammage, then I'd have to say the 80's. 1880's that is
Ignoring the spammage, then I'd have to say the 80's. 1880's that is
As spammers go - he makes some good threads.
80's - followed by 70's & 60's.
90's upwards = mostly pants.
what a surprise.
yeah that's not surprising :/
where are all the mods today?
VodkaOriginally Posted by Ephesians
90s FTW. But then I liked rave, so what do I know?
70's and 80's
AeroSmith , Scorpions...
Even the spammers are bumping each others spams
The era of Queen and Bruce Springsteen - spans more than one decade.
But if i had to pick one - 50s - Buddy Holly
Vote three from me........not forgetting the emergence of Queen, Black Sabbath, Genesis, Yes, Canned Heat, David Bowie, Led Zeppelin, AC\DC, Bad Company, Deep Purple, Dire Straits, Eric Clapton, Rolling Stones and ZZ Top.......ah, the list is endless and all true classics..........nowadays all the "talent" is made on TV and are lucky to last five minutes before becoming obscure again pftttt!!
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