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These examples are getting progressively more silly. I don't pretend to be a lawyer, but I'll guess that there have been specific laws forbidding photography at specific government or military sites for a long time. And just because someone is arrested by police officers armed or otherwise, doesn't make their actions 'wrong', or even illegal. Unless I've missed a memo, the courts still decide that.
In fact, a month or two ago legislation was passed outlawing photographing or filming a police officer on an 'anti-terrorist operation', effectively making photographing a police officer illegal in all circumstances, whatever they are doing at the time. Rodney King? Edit: Jean Charles De Menezes??????
This is insanely authoritarian legislation for a European country to introduce, a world away from banning photography on military bases. This is legislation that the UK shares with Zimbabwe, and few other places. Furthermore it's now common for the police to prominently photograph attendees at peaceful demonstrations and group meetings for the purpose of intimidating members of our 'free' society who are not suspected of any crime. People have photographed coming out of Friends of the Earth meetings. And needless to say this falls under the description of an 'anti-terror operation'...
So everyone in the UK - including battered women, mob witnesses, runaway canoeists and anyone else with particular reasons to remain anonymous - is already being surveilled by CCTV in the street, in offices and shops, basically everywhere, and can expect the Stasi to open a file on them if they so much as attend a residents' meeting opposing the expansion of a nearby airport. Right to Privacy, Association and Expression have all been seriously curtailed recently in concrete, real ways - and not by Google.
Unless you perhaps know something that Google's army of lawyers doesn't, Streetview is going to be perfectly legal even under our Kafkaesque legal system. It can't coherently be argued to encroach on anyone's privacy at all, or at least noone here has coherently argued this. So why have a problem with Streetview, and not all these other 'developments'? Why should anyone be concerned about Streetview at all?