does anyone remember an old cartoon sci-fi and the characters have boots that activates when they say "lock-on" or something like that? its a space cartoon. any clues would be much appreciated.
Was it from the 80's ? I think I remember it also.
It's bugging me now, the name of it is in my head, but I'll be damned if I can type it now.
sing the theme tune!
VodkaOriginally Posted by Ephesians
Was it Starcom?
mightymouse (01-04-2009),staffsMike (02-04-2009)
it would seem so, shelley
...relive your magnet fascination here, mightymouse
mightymouse (01-04-2009)
oh god, old spaceship toys, you have set me off now
what was the other one.. dont think it had a cartoon but it was like a big carrier craft and smaller ones inside or that formed together to make the big one or something. fired orange/red missles..
VodkaOriginally Posted by Ephesians
I had to do some googling, but i'm positive i'm thinking of the same toys as you, came with tiny little choking hazard space guys to go in the all the ships.
Anyway you're thinking of Manta Force
MadduckUK (01-04-2009)
Street Fighter 4, Cammy Ultra Move... Oh wait. Bit too recent.
thanks a lot guys, i was dying to look for some old cartoons and this was one of them that i wanna look for. actually i started thinking about it when my brother was playing legend of zelda and the symbol on his arm was the one used by the baddies hehe.. anyway off to the bay hehe... cheers
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