A good news. I still remember. Animated series about Fry, a 20th century "everyman" who, after being accidentally frozen, finds himself 1,000 years in the future. Making friends with a robot named Bender and meeting a beautiful woman named Leela, Fry realizes that the future holds some major changes, but life's everyday challenges and joys still hold true, and traffic is still a bitch.
Great news, I loved the 4 Series but never got round to watching the films for some reason. Hope its not gonna be terrible like the simpsons is (mostly) now
So what did everyone think? I was really pleased with them - several Laugh Out Loud moments in there, and the time just flew by when I was watching them. Can't wait for the rest
I cant wait for part 3 and 4. was back to quality IMO. the starting (aka credits) was a bit strange but very well done.
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