So the damn media centre didn't record part three of Torchwood...
But then the missus comes up with the idea of checking it out on iPlayer.
Of course, we've tried it before, but it's always been VERY blocky on the media centre playing back on our 42" panel.
But, seeing as it's Torchwood and I was behind by an episode, we gave it a crack.
First we tried the HD version, but on my crappy 1-1.5MB connection, it just kept pausing all the time, even though we waited 20 minutes to let it get ahead... but the picture quality was absolutely brilliant.
So, seeing streaming HD was rotten, we dropped back to the SD version, and you know, even on my 42" panel it was perfectly acceptable... certainly no worse quality than the ancient re-runs of Dempsey and Makepeace on ITV3,
So, Mr iPlayer bod, I take my hat off to you for letting me catch up without having to take the hit on quality just because I was working and missed it first time.