29th September. One of the few days of the year that I actually connect nice memories to, along with those that aren't quite so nice (like erm... last year...) and lots of wonderful things.
I thought I'd drop by for once, as I seem to be coming back slightly more frequently, and ask you why you wait till one minute past midnight to send me a birthday greeting You were first, shockingly enough, as the messages from Windows Live didn't arrive until nearly 9am () and some of my other various sites haven't yet realised that it's a nice special day for me and that they're expected to send me a message. I'm not particularly holding my breath.
In addition to this, I guess it's probably also time to mention a few of the presents I've got (although I don't get the ones from my family till Thursday - we don't have time to have my birthday today or tomorrow ) and fulfil a few of the wonderful teenage stereotypes that exist today. I mean, okay, I've just turned 16 - and my posts are nearing the length of Saracen's, although his are infinitely more interesting and generally merit reading, whereas people just skip over mine - but I'm still considered by the vast majority of the world to be a teenage.
Putting aside the man on the train who, for the last 3 weeks, has been striking off days on the calender till he can charge me double the wonderful child fare I used to pay (I may bankrupt the people who pay my travel expenses in the coming year..), putting aside the family parties where I get asked which university I'm at, putting aside the fact that everyone apart from my peers has asked me how being 17 feels (does this mean I'll be '17 again' next year? That's a shocking film though! ) I guess that there are some people in this world who can't just leave well alone.
I've had sweets and chocolate.. and yes, there is the pile of empty wrappers in front of me and a schoolbag beside me with various niceties inside. I've had cards, including a wonderful one that reminded me that not EVERYONE forgets my birthday in the wonderful handwriting of one of my friends who has had to put up with me telling everyone it's my birthday on the 29th of September for the last couple of months. I've had a condom, from a female friend at school, that I'm slightly perplexed about. It is a hint? A message? Her expressing her previously non-existant sense of humour? The note on the card reads 'don't waste it' so I guess it'll sit in my drawer till I get round to asking out that girl (give me till thursday ) at which point it may appear in my wallet, just in case I ever get ridiculously drunk.
I have to admit, the condom confused me. Is it normal to recieve one of these from a girl from school? It added a slightly different dimension to the chat about what underwear she was wearing today! At least she didn't reply 'none' I guess
Putting aside my own personal experiences of the day, I guess it's time to reflect on the last year. Those that pay attention to my life, which is about none of you I guess, and those that actually bother to read the threads that I create, may know that about 11 months ago my mum tragically passed away of cancer. It's been a hard year in some respects, but it's made me realise just how great friends can be. I've discovered deeper depths of friendship than I had perhaps imagined existed, and I recommend to everyone that hasn't spoken to a friend in the last week or so to immediately ring them up and talk to them. It's a nice pleasant surprise.
We've also seen the crash of the ecnomoy and the subsequent 'recovery.' If I paid attention in History lessons I could perhaps compare it to the 1929 Depression, or to the various other bits and bobs which we're supposed to know, rather similar to the comparisons recently drawn between Obama, Roosevelt and Hitler and their paths to power. Luckily, I guess, all three were and remain politically different.
In the coming year, there are a few things I'd like to see happen.
Our wonderful labour government to off back to the mines and leave the running of the country to someone more qualified. Unforntunately the only likely alternative are the Conservatives, and the local MP hasn't sent me a birthday card.
My equally wonderful college to get round to thanking me in some way other than with more work.
My life to improve dramatically, especially socially I've spent 5 years sitting in front of a computer screen. Maybe it's time I went out into the real world and found some use for the condom sitting at the bottom of my drawer?
So what is everyone else planning on doing with their life? Is recieveing a condom for your 16th entirely natural? How should I celebrate my sixteenth? What's the best way of managing to escape the inevitable drudgery of listening to my form tutor inspiring my form to sing happy birthday to me tomorrow? What piece of advice would you offer me for the coming 12 months?
And anyone that tells me to start preparing for my GCSE exams can say so, but can expect to be hit. Using the angst emote
EDIT (I realised how long it was)
tl;dr version: It's my 16th birthday, what advice are you going to offer me for the next 12 months?