Hi guys, sorry to post a URL straight off the bat but I think this might be something you're interested in and could provoke some good discussion.
It's an online petition and campaign to alter the EU's unfair gambling regulations. Both punters and British bookies are currently penalised in the way that their freedom of choice is restricted within the EU. This means we lose the chance to get better odds, have difficulty betting abroad sometimes, etc. However, more broadly (and perhaps more importantly), it's an example of EU hypocrisy of the highest order that badly needs rectifying if the EU is retain any semblence of credibility with voters...
Why should the internal market be rigidly and dogmatically enforced in some sectors but not in others? The idea of a free market is that it delivers the best services at the best prices to the largest amount of people. Sure, this can involve some very uncomfortable dislocation for people who find themselves unproductive or inefficient; they can be run out of business and will have to find themselves alternative jobs. But this is something that millions of people in Europe and across the world have had to endure as the price of progress and prosperity for all.
So my question is - why is the free market being ignored in this instance? Because it's a sensitive issue? Because gambling lines the coffers of governments and they don't want to give that revenue up? We know that CAP isn't being reformed because of the French (and now Polish) farming lobbies, but gambling? It smells fishy to me...
Also, does anybody know how other trading blocs deal with this? NAFTA?