Most other commuters on the tube who insist on standing next to you when there's clearly enough space elsewhere. I don't mind it if it's a cute girl though
Most other commuters on the tube who insist on standing next to you when there's clearly enough space elsewhere. I don't mind it if it's a cute girl though
The only things that really get on my nerves are people who invade your personal space, and people who are always late. I can't stand people touching my stuff. I'm not one of those people who leaves their phone on the table and doesn't care who looks at it, it's always on me. It's not even as if there's anything on there that I wouldn't show people. I'd happily show someone everything that was on my phone if they were so inclined, but I wouldn't let them touch it. With people being late, I don't mind as long as they have a good excuse and tell me. When someone turns up half an hour late without telling you and just says "oh I lost track of time" or something, it really pisses me off.
People who say "omg".
Also, everyone and everything. The list is endless.
SatNav that gives directions at very inapropriate times. Like saying "Turn left" half a mile before a turn in a 30mph zone. Or "keep left, then keep right" just as I've gone past the lane divider where I can't move left.
Cyclists who go bombing through red lights at night with no lights and dark clothes.
People who don't realise big, heavy vans have different speed limits, and don't realise that big, heavy vans are big and heavy.
Having to unload over 100 boxes from a van by hand by myself because it turns out there's no one who can drive the forklift to unload the neatly packed pallets.
internet connections that are up an down like a whores knickers
People who break to slow down and brake things to pieces... arrrgh get em the right way round.....
oh and inapropriate use of fog lights, and non-use of main lights when driving in reduced visibility...
Originally Posted by The Quentos
If you ever experienced the mental cyclists in Cambridge it would not be hard to get angry!! If drivers did some of the things they did they would be banned from driving. If any of these retard cyclists try to mow me down on the pavement they will be getting an elbow to the mouth the annoying t**ts. They do not even ring their blooming bells. I really wish they introduced cycle licenses so they would have to learn some basic road and pavement skills!
OTH,the cyclists in Copenhagen act much more civilised!!
This ^^ TBH...
Depends how narrow the road is... But i find that slowing down doesn't usually make the road any larger
So if you can pass at 3mph, then you can pass at 30mph...
Obv it all depends on circumstances, like if the other driver is a complete idiot that doesn't know the width of their vehicle...
Another thing that annoys is when very tall people whinge at shorter people for walking "slowly" !! Of course longer strides has nothing to do with it!!
I also cannot stand people who rush for the sake of it and end up screwing up things for no reason as a result.
Last edited by CAT-THE-FIFTH; 31-10-2009 at 02:17 AM.
My crappy Internet connection and no real alternative to it.
People who are purely inconsiderate... there's a difference between accidentally doing something minor once so often, than people who really don't care about anyone else but themselves! Need to get some perspective and lose the selfish manner in life
*rant off my chest as I live with someone like this lol*
People who start meaningless threads and moan about others punctuality!
oh, and Pilots
but seriously...
Lorry drivers who overtake on a dual carriageway doing 0.5mph more than the one they are overtaking, holding every other bugger back when the road changes to 3 lanes not 3 miles up the road! (A74 > M74 in case anyones wondering)
People who sing on Xbox Live
People who talk to other people in the same room when they are on Xbox Live, WE DON'T NEED TO HEAR YOU! MUTE IT YOU GITS!
Dentists (ok, only joking here)
Children (and adults) that think the anonymity of the internet is perfect reason to insult strangers, They need a good slapping imo.
Kids that run amok in stores, and the parents who let them
The BNP and any other racists
Black people
English people
Anyone not scottish
Anyone who is scottish
Anyone that doesn't appreciate the fine works of Frankie Boyle
Boy Bands
Girl Bands
Anything to do with Reality TV, starting with Big Brother and ending with anything with X in it that doesn't have cyclops, wolverine, Marvel Girl, Iceman, Arcangel and The Beast.
Being Unemployed
Being Employed
Gangsta Rappers
People who wear white after Labour Day
People who dont know when Labour Day is
Top Gear not being on TV more
Women who wont kiss other women with tongues, just because they're not gay
People who don't wash their hands before, and after they use the loo
People who leave drinks on pool tables
Karaoke (ok, theres one place i like, but they do have extremely talented clientele
People who use text speak, even when texting
People who spend all their time texting, when you are out for an evening
Anyone who uses Facebook for anything other than Bejeweled Blitz
Authors who won't finish the next bloody book (i'm looking at you George Martin)
People who think Tolkien was a good writer
People who don't read Saracens posts to the very end
Guys that have more luck with women than i do
Women that have more luck with women than i do
Letting Agents
Daytime TV, especially Jeremy Kyle
Anyone who watches Jeremy Kyle
Anyone who isn't willing to beat Jeremy Kyle over the head repeatedly with a baseball bat or Claw Hammer
Scientists that havent created Spiderpig yet
Drivers. People are idiots at the best of time, giving them a large chunk of metal to move around in at high speed in their control is never a good idea.
Pedestrians. They walk slow, stop in the middle of a busy footpath to talk to someone, walk in a group of 4 taking up the entire pavement. Gah, people are idiots. e
Trains. More specifically Northern Ireland Railways, you'd think they just discovered that leaves fall of trees in autumn this year with the amount of train delays due to 'leaf slippage'. Every year.
The 'Men of War' server browser, after you refresh it, it jumps about for 3 or 4 minutes loading.
chewing with mouth open.
Society's to blame,
Or possibly Atari.
People with a lack of manners, if I move out of your way or hold a door open, I at least expect a smile or a quick 'thanks'.
People who are late for no reason.
"Don't wanna see your face, don't wanna hear your voice . . ."
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