Do you love your pet?
I do love my two dogs in a funny way, they are always happy to see you and they rely on you.

What made you want a pet?
I didn’t my wife put me up to getting them.

When you were looking for a pet, what made you decide to get the one you have?

We got Zoe because she was cute and Max to keep her company but he was cute also.

Have you ever given a pet to someone else, if so why?
No never and never would people need to think carefully before getting any sort of animal to keep as it isn’t easy and some people are not up to it?

When your pet is not around what reminds you of them?
Silly things remind me of my pets, when I see dogs and when I’m home sick are just a few.

What kind of relationship do you have with your pet?
I would say a love hate relationship as I love them but they can annoy me at times, e.g., when anyone comes to my door they bark like hell. I am their leader they follow me every where as well.

What do you feel your pet gives you?
I think my pets give me so much they make you laugh, angry, satisfaction so much its hard to say but they bring a lot to a house my child loves our dogs as well. The good definately out weighs the bad.