By lacklustre I am referring to the qualifications that I currently have. I mean at my age I dont suppose anyone really has any qualifications worth mentioning. I have mentioned that I can touch type to within 90-100% accuracy at 80-120 Words per minute. I have a GCSE in Japanese A* and have predicted grades of A/A* for Latin, French, Religeous Studies, Maths, English, English Literature, Double Science. I mean its not exactly that amazing is it?
The sort of area which I am looking for is more Analyzing systems, maybe troubleshooting or even building computers. Id like to work in a shop or a buisiness which deals in these matters. It would be nice if I could learn something about computers at the same time. I know how to build a computer but im not sure that will help me in any IT related work. The problem is that it is so daunting to approach a Company and hand in a CV to ask for work experience.
The school is making me do at least 1 week preferable 2 weeks of work at the place which I have chosen so it needs to be something that takes my interest, but I would be happy doing admin copying up notes arranging stuff, organising things accounts anything that is available for me to do I will consider.
I hope that answers many of your questions if not make another post and I am sure I will be able to Answer it.