It's amusing to watch all the jealousy towards high earners. "They are so greedy, it's obscene", etc. So if were offered two jobs, one at £25k, one at £250k, all the 'obscene' camp would be taking the 25k and feeling all good about themselves, I assume?
The job market is a market, that's all. If you have skills that are in high demand and low supply, you get paid more. You can increase your skills with experience and training; ie hard work. Some people are naturally more skilled and employable than others; sorry if it comes as a cruel shock to some people here that not everyone is actually 100% equal, but thats the way the world works.
I have left the UK, and now pay more in tax in my new base than many people in the UK earn gross. Interestingly, the tax rates here overall are slightly higher than in the UK; but they are spread a lot more evenly from 0 to 100+, and there is not the entirely illogical hatred and jealousy that a lot of the UK love to spout.
The UK has made it clear that they don't want that money, so I'm more than happy to take it elsewhere, where it is paying for a lot of peoples social security, health care, and all the rest. I applaud all the high earners who choose to vote with their feet; why should they sit around and get screwed when its obvious that the people who actually benefit from their presence (ie the low earners) don't even want them there.