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As long as they remain as loosely controlled as they are now, the rest of drug policy will *never* make sense. We need a complete overhaul of strategy, including the legalising of at least some of the drugs that are currently illegal (personally I'd start with cannabis and magic mushrooms and work from there), along with much tighter controls on the supply of alcohol and tobacco, and heavier taxation on *all* recreational drugs.
I fail to see the rationalisation that it's OK to get mashed on alcohol but not on, say, 'shrooms. If it's OK to get mashed at all, then we should surely be allowed the poison of our choice, and be able to buy it from reputable, licensed retailers who won't cut it with god knows what or flog us fake pills containing ketamine and paracetmol (I know of at least one case where someone had made "fake ecstasy" using these ingredients and a pill-making machine). So, give me properly licensed headshops that are allowed to stock pretty much what they want; tax the industry appropriately to generate revenue which can then be ring-fenced for health (to deal with the inevitable outfall of people who can't control themselves) and policing (to crack down on the inevitable - but hopefully reduced - black market in controlled substances); and give people back just a little more control over their own lives.