No perhaps that's not how it came across, I can see that.
The thing is I see so many cyclists behaving like idiots, endangering themselves and others, that I think something needs to be done. Now how many cycling related deaths are purely due to drivers incompetence I don't know, but I would be very surprised if many of the deaths were at least partially the cyclists' faults.
The reason behind the regulation question is that cyclists, as far as I see on forums anyway (and as sparked the question, on the BBC website) seem to want to blame motorists for all their woes and accidents. I have no doubt that many accidents are mainly due to the motorists but I'm equally sure that many bring it on themselves by being invisible, ignoring the rules of the road and pulling unexpected maneuvers. Simply education and the current policy of ignoring things isn't working.
I agree that segregation of cyclists and motorists is a great idea, but rarely practical as you have to have the existing space to do it.
Thus my belief that motorists need to be prosecuted where possible for dangerous driving around cyclists, but also that cyclists should be prosecuted to cycling without lights at night, for running reds and for dangerous cycling. It may be mainly for their own safety, but then so is the wearing of seatbelts and no-one complains about that law now (do they?) The only way I could see to do this practically was licensing or bike identification, but I'm open to other ideas