Just bought a Hitachi HD camcorder off Ebay, from Argo's Outlet. Looks good, was cheap, full 12 month warranty and when it turned up it produced some fantastic HD videos... The only problem is it doesnt record any sound with the videos, or it does but at incredibly low volumes. I shouted into the mic & could just about make it up with the laptops volume up high!
Reason I bought it is my Grandma is very very ill, and I am about to go on a weeks holiday with my Daughter (her first holiday) and I was hoping to record everything to put on DVD for my Grandma when I got back. Would also have been nice to have all the memories of her first holiday or myself to watch in the future.
I am furious and gutted in equal measures, no time to return it, no chance of getting it fixed 9we fly out sunrise on Tuesday) & a weeks worth of memories to remind me how gutted I am not to record them! No one is to blame, its just bad luck but I am so hacked off that it was to happen now, the day before I fly out! Ill have a nose in Dixon's at the airport to see if there are any cheap cameras there, but i wont be able to find any cheap HD camera in there for anything reasonable (high sub £100). 7
edit: I take it back, Dixons wont be open. We fly out at 7am on Tuesday aaaargh dammit!!