I'm not a member of ebay. in fact I find the whole thing a little dodgy quite a lot of the time, but there is something that I want - as sold by one of those ebay retailer types - thats at a set price etc.
So, this whole signing up thing is a little dodgy to me considering you hand over your card details to start of with...usually - and correct me if I;m wrong - you hand over your details AFTER you know what you're purchasing...
anyway, my question is, once I've got what I want is there anyway to pull out of ebay i.e. cancel all references and details of mine? or are they held by ebay for the hackers to obtain later on?...
its one of the things thats been holding me back all this time - the fact you have to give your card details straight up.
oh and that I don't trust paypal one iota...