My only concern, personally, is information-overload on labels. With some products, I already feel I need to carry a microscope around with me to read them. Then again, my eyes ain't what they were. Nor for that matter is the rest of me. Getting old. Oh, joy.
But seriously, I agree.
I choose to buy premium meats, botb from high-quality local butchers that I trust, and in several cases, direct from the farm. I know I pay a premium for that but to me, it's worth it. It helps that I can afford to be picky .... largely because I don't fork out £30, £50 or more, monthly, on a mobile phone bill. Sorry, had to sneak that in.
But there is a serious point in that. What economists call 'opportunity cost'. The idea, for anyone unfamiliar, is that if you have £50 to spend, it only spends once. Buy a car, you maybe can't afford a holiday. But a holiday, the price mag be not using that money for a new camera. Eat out once a week (say, £30), and that £30 could have paid the quality premium on butcher and farm meats for a week or more so unless you can afford both, the price of doing one is not doing the other.
And that is and should be a choice for all of us .... exceot the very poor. But even then, the option is to have premium meats but less of it, anc "bulk up" with other ingredients, requiring perhaps a little more kitchen skills.
I know I'm talking ttaskmaster's language when I point out that cheap cuts (from a quality source) can actually taste fantastic provided they're cooked properly, often, slowly.
So yeah, label and let people choose. Personally, I don't plan on changing tactics whether chlorinated chicken comss in or not.