I think this guy gets a lot of unfair stick and with recent projects has proved that he actually cares about the state of the UK today.
With the 15 project he tried to get kids of the streets (sucessfully) and with the School Dinners project he is trying to stop kids from eating the junk that is put in front of most of them and eat decent food which will help them in a number of ways. From watching the program and the feedback that the teachers give him you can see that the kids who have eaten at least SOME green stuff for the first time in their lives are more attentive, less boisterous, generally happier and hopefully with less medical conditions later in life.
Personally i think the guy deserves a Knighthood for everything he is currently trying to do. He was on the Parkinson TVshow tonight asking people to sign his petition that he is taking to Tony Blair next week to try and get rid of the rubbish food that is served in current school canteens. I for one will be adding my name to the list!
If you are interested in participating in the petition please go to http://www.feedmebetter.com/ for further details.
*End of Rant....*