Savings = £0, Overdraft = £3.5K - although that'll be cleared when my redundancy money comes through. Just hope I'm not out of work for too long.

ATM I rent in London on a wage below the national average, and my wife works part time, so we barely manage to live on what we earn let alone save anything- hence the overdraft. Through my strict budgeting we're now not getting any further into debt but I still struggle to find the money for stuff like car insurance + tax and TV licence when it's due. I'm thinking of trying to find a Saturday job or starting a business I can run in my spare time, just so I can put a bit of money away for a rainy day. I do have 2.5 years worth of contributions to the civil service pension scheme already though.

I always pimp it in money threads but I really can't recommend highly enough as a starting point for all money matters. I've saved a lot since I found it. By the sounds of it many of you could save money by following some of the guidance there- for example there's really no reason why anyone should be paying interest on credit cards when it's so easy to do a 0% balance transfer, and for those 'in credit' you should be maximising your returns on your savings.